Monday, April 4, 2016

Bust- Self Portrait (zbrush)

This is a project that I ahem been working on for school. It is self portrait bust sculpted in brush. you can check out all the images and my whole process on my pinterest and youtube pages.


Sunday, February 21, 2016

Follow me on Pinterest!!!!

Hey everyone, just wanted to quickly chime in to let you know that you can also follow me on Pinterest, where I am currently working on a class project in which I will be sculpting a bust of myself. every week I will have a video update, on my progress and I will treat you to images of the bust. I will also be posting future project WIP (work in progress) photos on there, and the final product will be posted here. Hope you enjoy, and thank you for tuning in!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Alien Armor

Here are some images for a model i created out of some concept drawings I found on the internet. I really enjoy the alien design and futuristic elements that go into creating a character like this. It provides both a challenge and an opportunity to explore some creative space. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Samurai Fett

These are some images of an old character I modeled based on Clinton Felker's Samurai Boba Fett illustrations. The character was modeled using Autodesk Maya and Z Brush. The chest piece I found to be the most complicated as it involved modeling multiple pieces and placing straps or small ropes in between each of the individual pieces, in order to replicate patterns seen in traditional samurai armor. I chose to use Felker's design because even though it is a fantasy piece, heavily inspired by Star Wars, it is still rooted in history to a degree, allowing to create something other worldly with an authentic feel.

Original piece "Samurai Boba Fett" by Clinton Felker